Bring the best from PowerNumber
Here are some of the strategies I use when I play PowerNumber.
Feel free to let comments to share with others your own one.
- Space Management : You have to break in priority the tiles on the edges to keep the living space as large as possible which increase the potential of the future combinations. Tiles destroyed in the middle can be really embarrassing.
- You have to play the probabilities by playing first the combinations that give the more probabilities to get a good draw (for further combinations).
- Give priority to the combinations from the bottom part of the grid only if they do not affect the combinations on the top part. That way you will open your further chances.
- Give priority to the long combinations that earn more points.
- Use the good timing for your “1″ to facilitate new combinations (you can delay their use until it brings you directly a new combination or at least the probability of one).
- Give priority to combinations that make close tiles of same values to harvest the future.
- Do not hesitate to destroy tiles to make directy new combinations even if you have a “1″ if such a sacrifice open more possibilities.
- Isolated tiles among destroyed tiles are definitely lost. You have to prevent this situation as much as you can. However now, the atomic bomb can be used to gain some benefit even from this kind of situation.
- Use the atomic bomb with care because it costs you points. However it can be really useful to unlock situations where potential of combinations in present and future are quite low.
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