Pavla’s origins are in Prag. She spent her teenage years in an euphoric atmosphere after the velvet revolution, with all new horizons possible. Then she moved to Paris to discover another culture and learn the best of it. Please enjoy her work.

3 Responses
Thank you very much for your comment, it’ s a pleasure for me.
For inspiration I don’t know really, I think it’s inherent to me. When I was 16-17, the discovery of paintings of Franz Kupka was quite important to me, but his paintings are more abstracts. There is surely some inspiration coming from painter named Toyen, for me she hasn’t been really recognised for all her qualities, even she is becoming to be quite well quoted. But in final my paintings are quite different, too. I ‘ve been inspired by spanish painters (Miro, Dali , Picasso, of course…) and more largely by other painters, starting mostly from impressionist period onwards. I am interested in how they have been managing subject and colors in a period when the requirement of the realistic “photographic” painting had become less important.
Je ai trouve votr travial très interessant. bon continuation.
nice painting, how i wish that i can do that too..
may i know who is your inspiration when doing’ these..